Kirk Hammett Opens Up About Overcoming Writer’s Block and His Views on Guitar Solos

Metallica’s Kirk Hammett Talks Guitar Smashing Writer’s Block and How He Broke the Habit

Kirk Hammett, the legendary guitarist of Metallica, has always been celebrated for his exceptional talent. With a place on Rolling Stone’s list of the Greatest Guitarists of All Time, Hammett’s skills have earned him widespread acclaim. However, in a recent interview with Total Guitar magazine, Hammett revealed the personal challenges he faced with songwriting and how he conquered them.

Metallica’s Kirk Hammett Talks Guitar Smashing Writer’s Block and How He Broke the Habit
Metallica’s Kirk Hammett Talks Guitar Smashing Writer’s Block and How He Broke the Habit

Overcoming Writer’s Block

Despite his success, Hammett admits he has struggled with writer’s block throughout his career. At his lowest points, the frustration was so intense that he even considered smashing his guitar. Reflecting on this period, Hammett shared, “I used to get writing blocks for months and months, and not write a riff for months, and get frustrated about it, and think about smashing my guitar. That doesn’t happen anymore.”

Hammett now embraces a more fluid and natural approach to songwriting. “Don’t think about the past or what has been done. Don’t think about the future and what you need to do. Just see what you can grab in the moment,” he advises. This mindset has transformed him into a more prolific composer, helping him move past the blocks that once plagued his creative process.

The Myth of Bad Guitar Solos

Kirk Hammett also addressed a common debate in the music world: the concept of “bad” guitar solos. He expressed his disbelief at the negativity surrounding certain musicians, asserting, “If you’re out there and you’re touring, and you’re making albums, and you’re recording, there is no way you suck. And so I can’t stop being bewildered by all these people who say, ‘This guy sucks! That guy sucks!’ Hey, I’ve got news for you – you don’t get to where you’re at if you f****** suck!”

He further explained his stance on guitar solos, noting that the quality of solos has significantly improved over the years. “I don’t think bad guitar solos even exist anymore because everyone is just so much better than they used to be. Like, in the ’60s there were bad guitar solos,” Hammett added.

Kirk Hammett’s candid reflections offer valuable insights into the creative process and the evolution of musicianship. As he continues to inspire with his playing, his journey through challenges and growth provides a relatable narrative for many artists.

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